GreenPlanet Wholesale manufactures and distributes premium cultivation products tailored for retailers and growers of all sizes across the U.S

What do you Need?

Soils, coco

Growing Mediums

Bringing you the best exclusive brands for your grow.

Nutrients, additives & more

Growing consumables

Everything your grow needs.


By Brand

Everything your grow needs.

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Horti line Rezin Massive GP3 Optic Foliar Hygrozyme Hyclean Hyshield Hygropunch Hygroben Horti Line Rezin Massive GP3 Optic Foliar Hygrozyme Hyclean Hyshield Hygropunch Hygroben

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About us

Learn more about our commitments to the craft growing industry.

About Us

We are quality focused and results based

With over 25 years experience in the hydroponic industry, we use our knowledge and experience to select the very best innovation to elevate not only the cultivation community but the retailers supporting them. Our succes is driven from the success of our partners.

Keep pests out of your plants roots!

Lockdown Pads

Lockdown pads are a safe and easy way to cover the base of your plants, effectively keeping those bugs away and allowing you to produce high yields.

Increase your trichome production

Grow Trichomes - Not Flowers

When it comes to cannabis, experienced growers prefer quality over quantity. The truth is, growers today want to produce bigger trichomes, not flowers. Unlike its flowers, cannabis trichomes hold a wealth of psychoactive, medicinal, and therapeutic properties.